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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Downs

New Action Club Helps People Take Control of Their Lives

Updated: Dec 16, 2019

Motivation, determination, and ambition-all traits of highly successful people. But what do you do when you lack guidance and confidence needed to achieve your goals?

I met with the founder of the Miami Action Club to discuss what it is and how it's been changing people's lives, all around the world.

The Action Club, which is now short for AXEN was founded in 2012 by Ivan 'Dynamo'' de Jesus, after a period of depression do to his dissatisfaction with his own life.

"I had all these things that I wanted to do and for what ever reason, I wasn't doing them. I look at my life and I didn't like where I was and I felt like [someday], was never going to happen. I began reading a lot of personal development and self-help books as well as I watched several Ted X Talks and it [still] wasn't happening. What AXEN really is just a support group for people to create a community to achieve their dreams,"said Jesus.

The Miami Action Club pushes people to take the most out of life, through introspection and self-evaluation for better self-awareness; which ultimately leads to better decision making.

"There is a saying, that 'you're the average of the five people you hangout with the most. What I like to do is raise the consciousness of people that come to the group so that we can really create a community where people are helping one another. Life can be hard and hopefully this can be a place where people can lift themselves up,"said Jesus.

'Dynamo, who studied philosophy during his undergraduate career, believes in continuous learning and promotes this concept. Not only in the Action Club but in his own life as well.

"What's the thing that you could do if you could do anything? One things for certain, the lights are going to turn off and you may have an idea of what's going to happen when we all pass away, but what know for certain is that [day] is going to come for all of us. We want to make the most of out time here. The idea is that how can we get to the juiciest part of what we want in our lives. Essentially that is what we try to accomplish here at the Action Club,"said Jesus.

The Miami Action Club has helped people take control of their lives, through accountability and consistency. Dynamo has remained active not only in the clubs growth but in his own life as well.


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