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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Downs

FIU Police Department Release New Crime Report

Updated: Dec 16, 2019

Alcohol, loud music and late nights. Sexual assault on college campuses doesn't always happen that way. It can happen anywhere at anytime. Universities nationwide have worked actively to combat these crimes from happening.

One out of every six american woman have been victims of an attempted or completed sexual assault in her lifetime. In contrast, men are five times more likely to victims of an attempted or completed sexual assault in his life.

According to FIU's 2018 Security and Safety Report, 17 rapes were reported on FIU's property last year. That's nine more reported than in 2017. The report is released every October detailing protocol that the University takes while reviewing the previous year's crime on campus.

"It doesn't matter what I'm wearing, it doesn't matter if at the beginning of the night I seem like I'm into you and by the end of the night I'm not-if I'm telling you no, the answer is no. As a victim I feel consent is about being clear with your partner. Make sure that what you're doing to your partner or what they're doing to you is what you want,"said on-campus victim.

When students tell CAPS they have been victims of sexual assault, they have the option to file a police report. If not, CAPS reports the cases to the FIU Police Department so that at the end of the year, they can accurately report the number of cases.

"Our role has evolved into being that conduit to variety of resources that FIU has to offer our students. Services like exposure to our Title XI Coordinator, Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution, getting in contact with our CAPS and Victim Empowerment programs counselors. If necessary, get students in contact with the University ombudsman and Dean of Students. Despite this traumatic event, you can get on with your academic career and eventually your professional career,"said Chief Casas, FIU Police Department.

Other offenses such as stalking and domestic violence also arose in 2018. So far in 2019, nine sexual offenses, three stalking reports and one sexual assault case have been reported.

For victims the healing process can be difficult. However, students are encourage to use the Victim Empowerment Program which provides free confidential assistance to FIU students, faculty, staff and University visitors who have either been victimized through threatened or actual violence to support their healing process.

"When something like this happens, you have to put yourself first. Take care of yourself and seek [counseling]. I put emphasis on counseling is because you won't be there alone-and then when you're ready, go ahead,"said Dreina Bautista, on campus housing student, MMC.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, you can reach out to CAPS, the Victim Empowerment Program and FIU Police Department.


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