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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Downs

FIU Alum Creates an Interactive App to Find Deals

Founder and FIU Alumni, Krystal Zheng created an interactive app that allows consumers to experience and augmented reality scavenger hunt. Similar to Pokemon Go, but instead of catching Pokemon, you can catch real-life items.

"A current feature that we have is location based service, meaning wherever you go your character is on the map where you are. You can see the different treasure chests around you and then when you get by a treasure chest it will ping you a message and you will see that in augmented reality,"said Krystal Zheng, Founder of AR-Scavenger Hunt.

The app services two sides of the market giving [users] the opportunities to collect things they enjoy and [businesses] the opportunity to increase engagements preventing them from losing revenue.

"My goal for this app is to make into a real-live RPG game there people can live their second lives in this environment but virtually,"said Zheng.

While there is only one version of the app, Zheng plans to release a new version in the future. The SAVR App is now available for download in the App Store and Google Play.


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