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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Downs

Gender-Inclusive Soccer at Miami-Dade College

Students meet weekly at the Kendall Soccer Park to relieve their stress from the day to day lives, to play the sport they love. Despite not being able to play on an official club team.

"I have a lot of friends that they never played soccer and they really wanted to play but they couldn't because they already graduated high school and they don't have places to go as for me. I was trying to play club and there were a few girls that wanted to play but never had enough people, so we couldn't,"said Yaileen Cesar, creator of club.

Yaileen Cesar, who was excluded from those official teams just as many other players, has now created her own club for students to join. She created a community where both Miami Dade College and FIU students can focus on their mental health.

"It also gets me going right after school because I have practice and we also have games on the weekends. It definitely relieves me cause I'm always stress after class,"said Emely Estrada, FIU Hospitality student.

According to a study done by the University of Wisconsin, participating in sports such as soccer is great way to relieve stress, while also having fun at the same time.

"When you shoot and your score or you make a great pass, its a great self-esteem booster. Those days that I feel bad about myself or I failed an exam, if I come here I leave that completely leave that behind and just focus on playing and making jokes with friends,"said Victor Rojas, FIU Electrical engineering student.

For the girls on these teams, they enjoy playing with the boys. They welcome and are motivated by the challenges that are thrown at them.

"Honestly, I get motivation from my friends most of the time because they say it's good experience to come out and play. It really cool and fun to experience yourself with other players, especially since we play sometimes with guys. It's great to go up to their level since their a little more aggressive,"said Vivian Calderon, biology student at FIU.

Those soccer may not be a common sport practiced in South Florida, however students still make their way every week to play their favorite sport.


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