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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Downs

'Determined' - One Boy's Holocaust Survival Story

Martin Baranek is Holocaust survivor. In his memoir, co-written by Lisa Cicero, he recants his time in several concentration camps and the overcoming loss that he endure at the hands of Nazi's.

"It's a very big honor. Its really living history. Going back to all those places, where he was liberated, his hometown, back in Israel. It's a tremendous honor and privilege,"said Lisa Cicero, co-author.

Determined was selected in part with recommendation of Jon Warech, the Director of The Hillel at FIU. The 94-year-old student organization provides opportunities to explore and celebrate Judaism, and Jewish culture.

"Interesting story: his son Mark Baranek was actually my bus leader on the March of the Living, a trip I took as a student back in 1998 and now I've chaperoned the last few years as well. I knew his son had the book out, so as a apart of the Diversity Day Committee, I knew that they were looking for a book for this year,"said Warech, Director of Hillel FIU.

Baranek's message coveys a collective remembrance that integrates an emotional testimony. The words of Martin truly resonate throughout the audiences at both MMC and BBC, with the message loud and clear, never again.

"It's kind of hard to stop him; once he get's going, he's going and I'm not going to interrupt him. But it's just a pleasure to see the reaction from the audience,"said Baranek (son).

Unlike 6 million other Jews that door Martin Baranek went through, appeared for him just at the right time.


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