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  • Writer's pictureChristopher Downs

Lack of Dining Options Raises Concerns

FIU recently switched their food service provide to Chartwell Higher Education in the Summer of 2018. With the change, students at the Biscayne Bay campus are voicing their concern of the future of their dining options.

"I mean, I like it but its just not enough. When you go to MMC there is a plethora of options to choose from,"said Alexandra Yun, senior.

The hours of operations have become a huge concern for students. Closing times range between 3 to 7 pm on the weekdays-on the weekends, Starbucks is only open for a limited number of hours.

"Students feel the options should be open over the weekend. We have over 400 students who live on-campus and a lot of them don't have cars,"said Jefferson Noel, President of Student Government, BBC.

The current food options at the Biscayne Bay campus consist of Moe's, Burger 305, Subway, and Starbucks. However, students are still pointing out that these options just aren't the healthiest.

"If you are a vegetarian and they don't have options for you, I feel that's very inconvenient,"said Patrick Franklin, FIU Cheerleader.

Some students are suggesting that instead of switching out options, like recently done with Burger 305 which replaced Grill Works back during the Fall semester that we simply just add new options to the current ones. However, recently a new food truck called Beefsteak has debuted on campus providing gluten-free and vegetarian options.

"We're celebrating the incredible power of vegetables and their fresh, robust-full of flavor, full of different sauces. We're bringing the culinary arts to the streets,"said Tony Miranda, Operations Manager.

When the changes will go into effect is still unknown.


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